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Recent content by chrisnorris1

  1. C

    Short term rental websites

    You should be looking for small classifications. And put your ad there in there and it will help you to promote your property and business.
  2. C

    Joint Venture

    Joint venture is all about gather more money then invest and share all your profits. It is obvious, when it comes to profit no body will raise a question, but in the time of loss you have to answer a load to your partners. So I think for this you should do a LLC.
  3. C

    Top Risks of Real Estate Investing

    You have pointed out some pretty holes in the system. But still a little risk has to be taken if you want to succeed in the investment. Try to invest that much, what you can afford if a little loss will happen.
  4. C

    What are the lowest commercial mortgage rates?

    Thomas had some valid points. We should actually look forward to it.
  5. C

    Spruce Avenue - a bad place for investor in Edmonton?

    Need to be little cautious about that. You have to taken care of all things by yourself.
  6. C

    funding retirement with rental income?

    Seems to be a very good plan. I will consider about it more when my time will come.
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