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Recent content by lloyd000111

  1. L

    just starting in real estate,

    Thanks for your reply coolaj, I will also look into that option, to look for a local real estate club, right now everything is a help, Also reading a lot of books and learning as much as I can thanks again.
  2. L

    just starting in real estate,

    Hi housingrental, thank you verymuch for your response I will definitely join REIN, thanks again Lloyd.
  3. L

    just starting in real estate,

    Hi Shannon, thanks for your response. Actually I live in Etobicoke, so far im still in the very early stage of this venture, for now im doing a lot of reading, and learning as much as I can before I go for my first property. For properties, I will probably stay close for now, like...
  4. L

    just starting in real estate,

    Hi Greg, Thank you for yor response, I did browse the site you mentioned a little bit, I know that i really have to do a lot of reading and also to make sure to inform myself about the in and out of the real estate business before buying my first property. thanks for you advice. Lloyd
  5. L

    just starting in real estate,

    Hello everyone, I read a lot of succcess stories form REIN member, and I'm also hoping that I can post mine too eventually. Me and my son just starting this venture, we dont have any properties yet. Few weeks ago we started reading Mr. Don R. Campbell book and trying to learn all the...
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