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Recent content by pilly48

  1. P

    Condo Conversion finance

    Hello Investors, I was just reading up on condo conversions and i was wondering if any of you have tried this type of investing and what you think of it. I was also wondering what the best type of financing is for these type of deals, i was thinking hard money lenders but thats just my...
  2. P

    Real estate agent referrals B.C Okanagan

    Hello, I am going to start wholsaling in the Okanagan area and i was wondering if you guys had any referrals to any real estate agents who have experience working with investors or want to work with investors? I am based out of Kelowna, BC so any agents round this area would be awesome. If...
  3. P

    Real Estate Agent Referrals?

    Hello, I am going to start wholsaling in the Okanagan area and i was wondering if you guys had any referrals to any real estate agents who have experience working with investors or want to work with investors? I am based out of Kelowna, BC so any agents round this area would be awesome. If...
  4. P

    Wholesaling real estate

    thanks for the info, i just had one quick question. If i want to wholesale in different markets that i don't live in, do i have to be there to sign all documents and contracts or can they be signed and faxed or can those tasks be done by lawyers and real estate agents? I want to wholesale in...
  5. P

    Wholesaling real estate

    Hello Members, I am looking to get into wholesaling and i was wondering if any of you have tried this type of investing before? I am looking for a little feed back to help me out as i get going. If you have experience in this field and would like to help a new investor out i would love to...
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