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Recent content by RealtyHub

  1. R

    Six is the Sweetspot for New Investors

    On an almost daily basis I have a conversation with someone who wants to try their hand at real estate investing and become a landlord. There are always alot of different questions that come up, but one of the more frequent ones is; "where do I begin?". It is a very open-ended question which...
  2. R

    Top Risks of Real Estate Investing

    The most successful investors, in any sector, are those that refrain from wearing rose coloured glasses. Instead they ask the hard questions and look for the weakness in their prospective investment as this approach allows them to be objective and make fully informed decisions. Although...
  3. R

    Top 3 Reasons to Buy an Income Property NOW

    Hi Michael, Ontario does have rent control legislation in place, however, when a tenant vacates a unit, the landlord is free to increase the rent as much as he/she sees fit for the new tenant. Another little known fact is that rent control legislation in Ontario does not apply to units...
  4. R

    Top 3 Reasons to Buy an Income Property NOW

    All great strategies for the more experienced investor, but I personally wouldn't recommend them for the novice investor.
  5. R

    Top 3 Reasons to Buy an Income Property NOW

    Good afternoon Thomas, thanks for the feedback. The article was meant to be a top level overview as to why it's beneficial to invest in real estate sooner rather than later. As such it is somewhat vague given the complexities of real estate investing. I couldn't agree more...
  6. R

    Top 3 Reasons to Buy an Income Property NOW

    One of the most common catch phrases that I hear when talking to individuals about their reluctance to invest in real estate has to be "It`s not a good time". It's a very vague statement which can be interpreted to mean either; (a) it`s not a good time for me personally to invest or (b) it`s not...
  7. R

    Think Outside the Box to Find Your Next Investment Property

    The level of interest in Canadian income producing properties has never been higher. International investors are looking at Canadian real estate as a safe haven. REIT's are continually on the hunt to acquire more properties for their ever expanding portfolios. Investors who have pulled...
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