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Recent content by tamrahunt

  1. T

    Looking for Rent to Own in St. Albert

    Hello, I have a client that is looking for a rent to own in St. Albert, AB. They need 3 bedrooms and will consider townhouses, duplexes or single family but no apartment style condo. Please let me know if anyone has anything like this. They are in St. Albert this weekend looking for this...
  2. T

    Buying A Primary Residence, Then Moving Out

    You must also consider the tax implications. You may only have ONE primary residence at a time, and the taxation rates are different. Capital gains will not be available to you, as you are now `in the business` as well. The income gained could be added to your taxable income, and therefore taxed...
  3. T

    new tenant rules in Alberta

    New act to deal with bad tenants Gordon Kentedmontonjournal.com Wednesday, June 25, 2008 EDMONTON - A provincial act taking effect this fall should make it easier to force landlords to deal with trouble-making tenants, Edmonton development compliance manager Mark Garrett said today. The Safer...
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    Tips from amateurs and veterans

    Go to quickstart! The enthusiasm is infectious. You will meet many people who are doing it instead of talking about it. I went last year and am involved in my third JV deal with a builder in Fort McMurray. I was surprised to see the variety of people at Quickstart who are making their Belize a...
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