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Recent content by thecrow79

  1. T

    Home inspector to avoid in Hamilton

    My expectation is to have a professional perform their job. Having spoken to many others who have had very similar experiences and those who have been in real estate/investing for many moons: they agreed on some key points that he should have identified and pointed out. My suggestion to you...
  2. T

    Home inspector to avoid in Hamilton

    For those of you looking for a home inspector in Hamilton. Avoid: Chuck billingsley. He came as a recommendation, however after taking my electrician and plumber with me to double check I was convinced I would have got myself into a lot of trouble buying that home. He did not detect the knob...
  3. T

    and or assigns

    Thank you everyone for your reply. What ended up happening was a quick call by my REA to the sellers to explain a few things cleared everything up.
  4. T

    and or assigns

    I am currently in sign-back on an offer, but was told by the sellers that in order for the deal to go through I have to remove this term "and/or assigns". Since this is my first offer, I wanted to get everyones opinion on this. Is this something that is an absolute must on deals or a nice to...
  5. T

    Hamilton day Trip

    Hi, I would like to thank Mary Flynn for taking us around Hamilton. Being new to the area, we were able to see a lot with her. Thank you once again for taking the time to show us around. Thanks Vik
  6. T

    Keeping Seller on as Tenant

    Hi, quick question. Did you end up purchasing the property? I am in the exact same situation. currently working on a deal with the owner wanting to stay on the main floor.
  7. T


    I am interested as well, please add: [email protected]
  8. T


    Hi, just a quick question, has this meeting already occured? if so was there any notes/minutes taken that could possibly be shared? if not i would love to attend.
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