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Search results

  1. TimFrayne

    Residential flat roof repair (Toronto)

    About 2 weeks ago the roof above my office had a water bubble in the ceiling, so being the type of person I am I grabbed a big bucket and poked my finger throught the ceiling a few inches from the bubble. After the inital stream of water stopped I proceeded to tear down 1/2 of the celing only...
  2. TimFrayne

    Real Estate Wealth Expo

    If anyone wants to go to the Learning Annex Real Estate & Wealth Expo in Toronto on March 29th I have a coupon code for free tickets. Just go to the website at http://www.learningannex.com/ click on the Wealth Expo link and enter "FREE179" as your coupon code. You can get up to 2 free...
  3. TimFrayne

    Quickstart April 12-13th.

    Hello all, I`ve spend the last few days listening to recordings by Don Campbell that I now have acccess to after registering my REIN books. I can honestly say that I`ve been a member of "aim-less anonymous" for the last few years. I`ve finally made a commitment to define my vision and set...
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