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  1. mrinvestor

    How Can I sort posts by views or replies?

    Hi, Just wondering if we can do this. The search functionality has this but what if we just want to see the last 90 days of threads (say) sorted either by replies or views? Are you guys able to make a link or something using the back-end functionality? I can`t seem to find a way for the user to...
  2. mrinvestor

    Sub-Prime Crisis Explained

    This is the best info I`ve found on explaining the sub-prime crisis - how it happened, right down to the people who created it and the people it has affected: http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=1242
  3. mrinvestor

    Government Efficiency Metric?

    Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone knows of any government efficiency metrics that are regularly published? I know about the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI - http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...eys_indices/cpi) but what I`m really curious to know is how does Canada rate from a...
  4. mrinvestor

    How to view all new posts from a certain date?

    Hi, Hoping someone can help on this one. Here`s the problem: The forum sets the "last visit date" every time you visit. So if you last read the forums on "Aug 1 6pm" and in the mean time ("Aug 6 10am") you get an email with a link to the myREINspace forums and you visit that link but do not...
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