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  1. ColdFire

    Feedback on possible idea: Secure File Sharing

    I agree with Thomas... DropBox is great. It's very easy to use because it creates a file folder right on your desktop and you can share them over the internet. All files are encrypted in their database for security.
  2. ColdFire

    Judgement for people on social assistance

    During a meeting that I went to last night, a landlord was telling me that the only time she got in trouble with a tenant was when they knew how to play the system. Her tenant happened to be a lawyer, so she had an unusual amount of trouble evicting that person. She thought she was safe because...
  3. ColdFire

    Judgement for people on social assistance

    I'm not sure what the social services will do for you. You may be able to recover your losses. I'm not sure. I know that while they are your tenants, they certainly could provide you with the cash.
  4. ColdFire

    Need advice on rental lease

    Another thing that you can do to ensure that you always get your rent is to use the service that we provide at www.buymyrent.ca. This is exactly the business that we are in. We ensure that landlords get 100% of their rent every time, as long as you have a Tribunal order in your favour. This...
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