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Search results

  1. B

    Need advice on Rent to Own

    Thanks for your advice, I can see now there are many things to consider before entering into this type of agreement, I will seek some outside professional help before moving forward.
  2. B

    Need advice on Rent to Own

    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately the gifting scenario would require a lottery win, which, awesome as that would be, is a bit of a long shot.:-) When I started looking into a rent to buy scenario I thought this may be a practical arrangement that can benefit both of us. He will be able...
  3. B

    Need advice on Rent to Own

    I am entering into a rent to own agreement with my son and have a few questions. Once we've established the purchase price and reviewed costs of running a home ( for budgeting purposes ) power, heat etc do I determine the additional amount to collect from him for deposit towards his down payment...
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