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Search results

  1. P

    I O USA

    Looks interesting! Adding to your list of films: my fav, "The Corporation". I recommend watching it, interesting mix of economic theory & finance in a thought-provoking movie. http://www.thecorporation.com/index.cfm?page_id=2
  2. P

    Tenant Not Allowing Entrance to his Unit

    Hi Neil, I wonder if we`ve been looking at the same property? I recently walked away from a deal that was almost ready to close - similar scenario, insisted to see a unit that the realtor did not want to show due to (supposed) tennant access issues and I was thankful I did. At the time of the...
  3. P

    Ontario Multi-plex? Am I looking in the right places?

    Some questions for the seasoned investors: If you wanted a multi-family property (6-15 units) in Ontario, where would you start looking? How would you conduct your search? I`ve ID`d the regions/towns I am interested in but there are rarely any properties on the market as far as I can tell. Am I...
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