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Search results

  1. G

    Free bathroom

    Hi everyone, I have a perspective tenant that is offering to install a bathroom in the basement of one of my houses for free. The house in question has 3 + 2 bedrooms, but only one bathroom. An extra bathroom would certainly be a huge bonus for me, but I don't want to get too excited about it...
  2. G

    Problem mice

    Thanks everyone. I used Aanteater and am hoping for the best. They were very quick to respond and offer a 1 year warranty. Gord
  3. G

    Problem mice

    Thanks for all the info everyone. Zee, did you use Aanteater to seal up the house as well as do the treatment? If so, what sort of results did you have? Gord
  4. G

    Problem mice

    I would actually use these tried and true methods if it were my own residence, but I would have a hard time convincing my tenant to do it, especially since he is already very quick to point out anything that is not to his liking. My fear at this time is that he will escalate the situation if I...
  5. G

    Problem mice

    Now that the seasons have changed and mice are starting to move indoors, I have a tenant complaining about mice in the house. The house in question is very old and probably has multiple points of entry which may be difficult to find. Does anyone have any success with the electronic devices found...
  6. G

    Hamilton Brick Repair

    Can anyone please recommend someone that does brick re-pointing in Hamilton? Thanks, Gord
  7. G

    Hamilton Inspector

    To all Hamilton investors. Can I please get some referrals for qualified house inspectors. Thanks, Gord
  8. G

    Rich Dad Poor Dad

    I too, took some of the RIch Dad (Wealth Intelligence Academy) courses. I`m only sorry that I didn`t find REIN first. I will credit Robert Kiyosaki for getting me started in real estate. The problem I have with his program is the pressure to keep spending more money on the education. I was...
  9. G

    Rate my probable property

    You don`t mention anything about monthly maintenance fees. Is this property a freehold? Gord
  10. G

    Single family conversion

    Hi all, Before I buy and get in over my head, has anyone gone through the steps of converting a single family home with a basement apartment (already built by previous owner) into a legal 2 family home? More specifically, I am looking on the mountain in Hamilton. Any and all feedback would be...
  11. G

    Questions for REIN members

    Hi Darlene, I too had some reservations about joining REIN, mostly because I had spent alot of money with another RE training organization. I can tell you from personal experience REIN is less than half the cost of what I had previously spent and about 10 times better. The main benefits my wife...
  12. G

    Insurance for Rooming House in Oshawa

    Hi Rookie, you can try Ron Noble Insurance in Uxbridge. Ask for Leslie Zambri Gord
  13. G

    Financing student housing

    Adam, how much down are you talking to get the rate under 5%? How current are those mortgages? Are the buyers telling the lenders that it is student housing? I offered as much as 35% down and still couldn`t find anything that good. Gord
  14. G

    Financing student housing

    After doing some of my own research, the only type of financing was in the form of private money. Usually this comes with up front cost and much higher rates. If it looked like lenders would loosen up any time soon, I would take it, but it doesn`t make sense for the long run and makes it risky...
  15. G

    Financing student housing

    Hi everyone, I have analyzed some good money making student rental properties and have even gotten an accepted offer on one. The big challenge is to find financing for these types of properties (aka. rooming houses). I do not want to deceive any lenders by saying it is a single or two family...
  16. G

    property survey vs. title insurance

    Thanks guys, this information is very helpful. Garth, when you say known issues, are you referring to the seller knowing of a problem or the buyer knowing of a problem. Either way, I won`t do a deal with out getting a survey and title insurance. Gord
  17. G

    property survey vs. title insurance

    Hi all, I have run into the same situation a couple of times with different realtors and need some input. When I submit an offer with a clause to get a survey on the property, my own realtor tells me that if the vendor does not have a survey, then I can rely on title insurance if there is a...
  18. G

    NEWBIE about to make an Offer

    Kathryn, Congrats on taking action but keep one important thing in mind with single family investment properties, vacancy for 3 months can potentially wipe you out. My quick analysis has you losing about $260/month. It took me along time to stop getting emotional about some places. The numbers...
  19. G

    Another research tool

    Thanks for the link. This is one big time saving tool. Gord
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