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It feel s great to help.


Apr 22, 2008
I recently purchased a property that is barrier free (wheelchair accesible). I had few different people look at the property and had to make a decision on who needed the property the most. There was one one man by the name of Ryan who had just became paralyzed due to a proplem during a surgery and had been in the hospital for over 3 months. The wonderful organization SCOPE took control of the situation and contacted me and explained the situation and really wanted my unit because it is designed for people in wheelchairs. I decided t0 let them have the unit for this young man who is only 25 years old and now needs all the help he can get. I asked SCOPE if there was anything they needed for Ryan and all they said was that they had most of the furnishings they needed but he needed a bed. I took this as a personal quest and went to find Ryan the best bed I could find. I was able to find Ryan a new bed and also raised around $3000.00 in cash from friends and family. I went to SCOPE to let them know that I had a bed and I gave then the money I raised. The people in the office were in tears and could not believe that a Landlord would provide this much help to help out a client of theirs. For me as a Real Estate investor it became clear once again that it is not only about money, net worth, number of properties but what real estate allows us to do to help where we can and make this place we live in a better place for everyone.

I have been very lucky in my life with great parents, great job, great investmensts, great wife , a great son, great dogs and most important great Tenants in every home I own. It is our duty to do what we can to help the less fortunate in this world that we live in.

Thanks Don for making it clear that Real Estate Investing is not only about building our net worth but more importanly helping the people who need our help.



REIN Member
Oct 1, 2008
QUOTE (roliver @ Jun 7 2009, 04:31 AM) I recently purchased a property that is barrier free (wheelchair accesible). I had few different people look at the property and had to make a decision on who needed the property the most. There was one one man by the name of Ryan who had just became paralyzed due to a proplem during a surgery and had been in the hospital for over 3 months. The wonderful organization SCOPE took control of the situation and contacted me and explained the situation and really wanted my unit because it is designed for people in wheelchairs. I decided t0 let them have the unit for this young man who is only 25 years old and now needs all the help he can get. I asked SCOPE if there was anything they needed for Ryan and all they said was that they had most of the furnishings they needed but he needed a bed. I took this as a personal quest and went to find Ryan the best bed I could find. I was able to find Ryan a new bed and also raised around $3000.00 in cash from friends and family. I went to SCOPE to let them know that I had a bed and I gave then the money I raised. The people in the office were in tears and could not believe that a Landlord would provide this much help to help out a client of theirs. For me as a Real Estate investor it became clear once again that it is not only about money, net worth, number of properties but what real estate allows us to do to help where we can and make this place we live in a better place for everyone.

I have been very lucky in my life with great parents, great job, great investmensts, great wife , a great son, great dogs and most important great Tenants in every home I own. It is our duty to do what we can to help the less fortunate in this world that we live in.

Thanks Don for making it clear that Real Estate Investing is not only about building our net worth but more importanly helping the people who need our help.


<applauds> That`s fantastic! Great to see people helping people.


Oct 10, 2007
Robb, going the extra mile to fund-raise for this young man is the extra 10% that Don is talking about.
Let me make a very easy prediction - more great things are going to happen to you in the future.

All the best,


Aug 30, 2007
That`s Awesome Rob! It`s always wonderful to hear people giving back.

Thanks for sharing!


Jan 10, 2008
This is something I feel strongly about also. That is really stepping up and I take my hat off to you.

I only hope to follow in your foot steps.

I to, believe that as investors we are there to make it win-win for everyone and that starts with the clients, our tenants.


Aug 29, 2007
Just Curious.
Is it possible to get a premium rent for units of this type. Is there a very high demand.


Apr 22, 2008
QUOTE (invst4profit @ Jun 9 2009, 07:33 AM) Just Curious.
Is it possible to get a premium rent for units of this type. Is there a very high demand.
Hey Greg,

Give me a call @ 403-651-2030 and I`ll explain what I know about this type of market.



Mar 31, 2009
QUOTE Our charitable organization also provides funds for cleft-lip and palate operations for the poor. One young woman in Gansu, for instance, had spent her life watching the world go by from the refuge of her room, afraid to go outside because of her cleft lip. Now she can leave her house and be a participant in life rather than a spectator.

I have always wanted to help a kid with cleft lip. I vacation in Thailand every December and have been tracking one of the organizations that do it in Vietnam. Only thing is , that I am a stickler for donating or helping the less fortunate that I seek out in person, except "Plan"(formerly Foster Parents Plan). Do you know of an organization that does the cleft lip surgery around that time of year in Southeast Asia?

Also , Ramya have you checked out "The Agape Home" in Chiang Mai, Thailand -I just recently started supporting a 14 year girl there with HIV. What they do is awesome!

What you`re doing is also awesome and I wish you best of luck with REIN, so you can do alot more of it later!


Inspired Forum Member
Nov 7, 2007

I think what you do is incredible.

Recently I had the pleasure of attending Greg Habstritt`s (REIN Member) "ENGAGE TODAY 2009" conference in Calgary and was awed by the 20-25 speakers in attendence. The theme was "ENGAGE" as in "get engaged" with community, family, the world. I have heard alot of speakers in my time but I have never been so deeply moved by what I heard that week (four days) by the Keynote Speakers as well as the other 20 incredible people on stage.

Keynote Speakers: Sir Richard Branson, Dr. Stephen Covey, President F.W. de Klerk, and of course His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama.

Other Incredible Speakers who helped make a profound change in me: Carol Cone, Marci Shimoff, Lynne Twist, Wyland, Greg Habstritt, and others.

What these people do for the world is incredible & I was brought to tears many times during this event. I encourage all to Google all of the speakers at this event to see the changes they have brought about in our world. I could rattle on here for pages about what this event did for me but the proof is in the pudding. I`m not exactly sure where I`m going with my new found "Social Activism" but I`m looking forward to the future. My 15 month old son is probably asisting with alot of the changes going through me as well as is my new business partner David Sandbrand. I`m making changes in how I run my companies and plan on having a strong component of social awareness.

Thank-you Ramya for leading by example.

QUOTE (Ramya @ Nov 12 2009, 11:35 PM) I have two adopt sisters

An only child, a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin, I wanted sisters more than anything. When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted me beyond measure: they chose to adopt. (Wow gold)

It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia. They came with a great flourish of celebration, as friends and relatives visited us bearing gifts to welcome them. That evening our guests went home and we were left to ourselves. My sisters and I went to the bedroom we were to share; as we crawledsintosour beds, our parents came to each of us, tucking us in and saying goodnight."Te amo,"they whispered to my new sisters in Spanish,"I love you."

From the beginning these newcomers were like my own flesh and blood; we played and bickered and learned just as if we had always been sisters. From the beginning we all were my parents` daughters equally, as they supervised and scolded and encouraged us. world of warcraft gold

&#12288;Life seemed great. Beneath the surface, however, my parents were struggling with their own marital problems. As we girls were approaching our teen years, my parents uttered the fateful words,"We`re getting a divorce."

My sisters had been hurt before. They had been dealt a great wound when their birth mother abandoned them, and none of us understood the depth of their inner turmoil. It was a pain that now resurfaced, as the emotions from that abandonment years earlier overwhelmed them.

We all struggled during this time. My father remarried and strove to provide some sort of stability for us through this new family: another mother, brother and sister. But the bonds between my parents and sisters continued to disintegrate. By the time I left for college, my family was in profound disarray. world of warcraft gold

&#12288; During my college years, my outlook on life evolved in significant ways. This personal transformation led my parents and sisters to reevaluate their own lives and make changes that ultimately brought us together as a family. My mother and father have again become great sources of encouragement for us three sisters. They have succeeded in providing our lives with a foundation of stable love. One of my sisters has recently married,and family gatherings are now occasions of happiness and renewal.&#12288;

&#12288;Chinese friends sometimes ask me why I am in China, working at a low salary when I could be prospering in America. It is the experiences I went through while growing up that have made me who I am today. I am on the staff of CBN, a humanitarian organization in Beijing that seeks to help people in distress. Among our many projects, we often work with orphans. cd keys

My colleagues and I have sent a number of orphans to the US and Canada for free operations. One is a little girl named Xiao Chu who was born with a weak heart. She was abandoned as a baby. By age two she was already experiencing shortness of breath and loss of appetite. Her future looked grim. Last January we flew her to Canada for surgery, along with two other orphans with heart problems. The operations were successful, and all three children have since returned.

We are also working in some of Beijing`s orphanages and schools for the mentally handicapped. Every week we visit various schools, playing games with the children and teaching them English. Not long ago we organized a conference with orphan expert Sherrie Eldridge to define the special challenges that orphans face. The conference was of benefit to orphanage directors and adoptive parents alike.

Our charitable organization also provides funds for cleft-lip and palate operations for the poor. One young woman in Gansu, for instance, had spent her life watching the world go by from the refuge of her room, afraid to go outside because of her cleft lip. Now she can leave her house and be a participant in life rather than a spectator.

In western Gansu we have been building cisterns in villages that are short of water. In a region with so little rainfall, some people have to walk great distances to fetch water for their daily needs. Contributions from individuals and companies have enabled us to build over 500 cisterns, each big enough to supply a family of seven for an entire year. wow power leveling

So this is how I have chosen to lead my life.

At one orphanage I visited this past July, I came face to face with two little girls aged 3 and 6. They looked up at me with their cautious brown eyes, and I felt I was once again lookingsintosthe eyes of my sisters fifteen years ago.I realized how much adoption had meant to each of us in my family. Fifteen years ago, my sisters too were sitting in an orphanage, with no one to call their parents and no place to call their home. Now they have both in the unconditional love of my family.

Mitch Collins

Inspired Forum Member
REIN Member
Aug 31, 2007
So many great stories here!

It`s really what sets us apart from the masses - when someone needs help, nothing is as satisfying as being the one to assist expecting nothing in return.

I remember a year ago when a shed burnt down in a property I owned with all my client`s christmas supplies, 4 children`s bikes and many family photos. I felt so bad for them as it happened in the spring after a long cold winter and they weren`t doing well financially that I purchased new bikes for all the kids.

You don`t forget those types of instances, and it`s great to be in a position where many of us can do these things from time to time!

Way to go REIN members!

Warm Regards;a
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