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Teen Overcomes Fear, Lack Of Experience, To Become Successful RE Investor


Oct 27, 2009
Motivational. A great story.

Until this point I had only practiced conversations in front of a
mirror and read a handful of courses on the subject of real estate
investing. To say I was nervous was a understatement. Not only was I
unsure about what I was doing I also looked inexperienced, doe-eyed,
pimple-faced, high-pitch voiced, and was driving a junk car. Negative
thoughts whirled around my head so loud and fast it was hard to focus on
steering my car straight down the street. The positive affirmations and
motivational music I had blasting in my car was no help either. Sixty
seconds before I was to arrive at the subject property the stress
overcame me and I quickly pulled over to the side of the road to get
sick from nerves.

Once I was done purging I had a decision to make....

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