True or False Ressession Theories


REIN Member
Just wanted to check up on a couple speculation theories
I as i believe it The Possible(or likely) US ressession is not full blown yet and will continue to spread in the coming couple of years. This will lower the US prime rate which will in turn lower the Canadian Prime rate. And Untill Something Happens to increase the american economy (war possibly) it will continue to keep the interest rates low Which would have what impact on real Estate Prices in canada? Whould that get more people buying houses in Canada. And how does Canada`s (small) chance of being dragged down with the US fit into the picture. Think this would be a good time to be a little risky and get a variable morgage and then switch it over to fixed when interest rates start to go up or signs are pointing to it?

Does any of this mke any sense?
Should have paid more attention in social studies