MultiFamily home study course

Seth Ferguson

New Forum Member
Can anyone give some feedback on the multifamily home study course offered by REIN? Is it a basic "this is what ROI means," "this is a cap rate," etc. or is there some good mid-level information on larger acquisitions over 50 units for someone looking to up their game?
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Cory Sperle

REIN Member
The REIN multi family course is excellent and is much more comprehensive than simple metrics. When you say 'up your game' am I correct to assume that you own smaller buildings already? There are many ways to up your game so are you specifically looking for:
  • How to minimize your acquisition costs as many newbies pay way too much unknowingly as literally everyone has their hand in your pocket?
  • How to specifically target 50+ unit acquisitions and the tremendous advantages of doing this?
  • How to locate or source agents that can specifically funnel such deals to you?
  • What to expect in terms of financing and how to source the best possible funds available to you?
  • How to compete with REITs, pension funds, and large players who target such projects and be taken seriously as a smaller player?
Keep in mind education is essential and provides a valuable foundation, but to up your game to a truly elite level takes time, patience, years of making contacts and learning valuable tips and tools along the way that one can only acquire through experience.


New Forum Member
Can anyone give some feedback on the multifamily home study course offered by REIN? Is it a basic "this is what ROI means," "this is a cap rate," etc. or is there some good mid-level information on larger acquisitions over 50 units for someone looking to up their game?
I've been using it and I can tell you first hand that its worth the investment. Don't hesitate. It could save you tons of money and give you new ideas.

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Yes course is excellent. I have a chapter in it, plus many other MF experts in the great REIN community.

But, ask yourself why do people go to university when all the knowledge in the world is written up in books? Why not just read 12 - 28 books and be an expert on any chosen topic?

Read material is good, explained material is better, and experienced material is best !