Assisted Living Facilities for younger adults - Edmonton

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
For a relative in his early 30's we are looking for a facility to assist in living and daily living. Much like a traditional " old folks home " or assisted care facility for seniors, we are looking for a similar arrangement where each person has its own room but there are shared facilities for meals, laundry or entertainment ( TV room, fitness studio, games room etc ) and perhaps a shared " mother " that ensures people go to work, do their chores, have their shoes tied properly, don't look too unkempt etc

This particular individual is slightly handicapped but not overly but unable to live an orderly live by himself.

Looking for suggestions or contact information for such " group homes " , for-profit or not-for-profit organizations and/or assisted care facilities for younger adults in the Edmonton region, perhaps with services included, price ranges and pro's / con's if you know them.
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REIN Member
Not in Edmonton, but all units of my 6plex in Dawson Creek is rented by such an organization. Each unit is occupied by one individual who needs some sort of assistance for daily living. There are one or more caregivers at any time of day and night. The company's name is Independence Networking Services. You could talk with director Laurie Wilson to know more about how they do things. Phone is 250-782-2026.


My sister-in-law is living in a group home run by Lo-Se-Ca (Love Service Care) in St. Albert. Great organization but not sure if your relative would qualify. It's worth a try, though.


REIN Member
Hi Trevor, I recently had a talk with them, and they said they aren't looking for any units at this time. Sorry for the horribly late reply!


I'll second LoSeCa. A friend of mine worked there for years. There are some others who do more intense care, but I'll ask around and give you a call.