Beware The Seller`s Market!


REIN Member
Dec 9, 2013
Edmonton, AB
A Facebook conversation from just this morning...

You know the market is hot when sellers play ‪#`dirtytricks‬ just to get out of your contract as they have a higher offer waiting in the sidelines. One of our deals collapsed as the sellers would not agree to letting in an appraiser after conditions have been waived. Such a shame when my amazing mortgage broker got our deal approved from application TO approval in: FIVE HOURS. Oh well - if there's one thiong I've learned before, it's that no deal is worth risking TOO MUCH...

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Last day in Japan as we work on 3 Real Estate deals! Traveling Investors Day 18&19

Working on several real estate purchases while we go on our last day in Japan. We're hungry but...

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Curtis Arnold Hang on to that mortgage broker Oliver, very few have the skill AND the relationships to do what he/she did.
14 mins  Like  1
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Oliver Limcangco I am so embarrassed and feel so bad as what he did was UNHEARD OF. 5 hours from application to approval of a mortgage, pending appraisal.
13 mins  Like  1
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Curtis Arnold Clearly there will be another opportunity.ple-converted-space">

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Barry McGuire Another good point, sellers can be ridiculous! Once you are unconditional, they don't have to cooperate or let you do anything. And, in busy times, because of a better offer, they don't have to extend condition dates or especially, closing dates. They can and will hold your feet to the fire
9762202_18454065:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0" style="border-bottom-style: none;">8 mins  Edited  Like