Blank Page.... help.


Hello everyone,

I am new to this world of real estate and picked up the book 'Real Estate Investing In Canada'. In the book it asks us to construct our vision and to create a collage that will keep us motivated to reach our goal. My question is, has anyone like myself had no idea where or what to start with? I mean to imagine where I live in x amount of years is something that feels impossible.... I have major writers block and stare and my blank page not knowing where to start. I want to succeed and I don't want to feel like I'm a failure in providing financial security for my family. I know I have the 'never give up attitude' and to not be able to even start the first task is so deflating. So I reach out to the community to try and get any insight that can help me move forward.

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Imagine your ideal life in 2, 5 or 10 years. Where do you live ? What income do you have ? more kids ? married, single or divorced ? 50h work/week, 80 or 20 ? overweight or trim ? bearded or clean shaven ? fancy car or cheap beater to save money? view of the ocean or of mountains ? rent, or own a condo or house with a big yard ? live in a city or in the country ? work at home or in a busy office ?

You are the CEO of your life. Design it. Then plan how to get there, incl. real estate. Real estate is just a tool of many you can use to achieve an optimal life. Only you can decide what "optimal" for you looks like as it is so individual.


No Adam.... my name is Shady. Pronounced Sha-dee not Shay-dee. Over the years I've heard every nick name you can possibly think of....including people asking me if a rap ;) So I learned to take on the new name and to those outside my close circle I'm known as Shay-dee. It's actually become a great conversation starter hence the fourm name 'SlimShady`.