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buying in saskatchewan


Dec 27, 2007
Is Saskatchewan`s real estate up because of the ripple effect of Alberta and their new government? It doesn`t seem like they have much else going for them, or do they? Have I missed something? I was thinking of buying in Regina. Saskatoon seems to hot right now. Or have I waited to long.


Oct 7, 2007
Hi Ronda,

I have lived in Saskatchewan all of my life and currently reside in Regina. Regina is experiencing a very hot market right now that is expected to lead the country in 2008, similar to Saskatoon last year. This looks like it is going to play out very similar to what happened in Alberta with Edmonton typically booming about a year or so behind Calgary.

As for the fundamentals, we are experiencing some decent in-migration with some ex-pats moving back from Alberta to be closer to their family etc. The economy is strong and diverse with booming Uranium, Potash, Oil & Gas and Agricultural sectors. Commodity prices are at an all time high and even farmers are starting to make some money!! And best of all, we have finally got rid of the NDP in favour of a new-thinking Sask Party govt.

That being said, as Don (REIN) mentions to be cautious as the fundamentals may not fully support the massive price increases we have seen in Saskatoon and now in Regina. There are still some good deals to be had, but you have to look hard for them as it`s somewhat tough to find a positive cashflow property.

Another point is that Alberta has all of the Oil & Gas infrastructure already built (ie. head offices etc). I don`t see massive cranes on the Saskatoon and Regina skylines and I don`t foresee an EnCana tower to be built anytime soon in either of these cities or multi-billion dollar announcements on upgraders and oilsands projects. Most of the Oil and Gas exploration and drilling companies that are currently working here are based in AB and I don`t expect they plan to move anytime soon.

That being said, I think the future for both provinces is very bright. We have chosen to invest in both Alberta and Saskatchewan to "diversify" our portfolio and have properties in Grande Prairie, Edmonton, Stony Plain, Saskatoon and Regina and I fully expect these cities will perform well over the next 5-7 years.

We`ve been shopping for property in both Edmonton and Regina as of late and let me tell you...it`s a lot more fun having some negotiation room when making offers (ie. Edmonton) than competing with multiple offer situations (ie. Regina).

So sorry for the vague answer to your question but as you can see there are many variables that must be considered. Best to research the fundamentals of a couple of areas you plan to invest and make your purchase decisions based on the facts and not the headlines!!

Good luck!
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