Can one rent out a town house by the room?


I`ve had a town house vacant since possession, for over 2 months now managed by Libertas. Not sure if changing strategy to target singles that just need a room would be a good idea. $450 per room, and kitchen/washroom/laundry is shared.

Any input? I`m starting to wonder why I bought this place at this time and at this season.


Most T/Hs are in a condo corp. It is probable that the by-laws would prohibit such rentals. You also need to check the zoning by-law of the municipality the property is in.

Without knowing those two bits of information, none of us can give you a definitive answer. My guess is that one or the other, if not both of those checks, will tell you it is not legal. But, you need to check for yourself.


It is also a huge management headache a(Think different rooms starting and ending tenancy at different times = more re-rentals - More interpersonal problems re noise - milk and cheerios theft - cleanliness - etc..) and can attract worse quality renters


Aside from the Condo Corp regs issue you would also need one excellent `House Mother" and house rules in place to keep everyone in line. These are good if you know what you are doing and are very systemized in how you work. Not for the armchair quarterback type.

Our daughter-in-law`s parents do this with several properties - they are all over sweating the details - and they do make it work well. The properties also have to be set up for this and there are lots of things you have to provide to make it work.