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Canadian Business Outlook Improves


Research Assistant
Mar 24, 2009
Canadian companies still see a bleak year ahead, but their pessimism is slightly tempered compared to three months ago, a survey conducted by the Bank of Canada shows.

The central bank released its quarterly Business Outlook Survey Monday. It is based on interviews with senior management of about 100 companies conducted in the first quarter of the year. The bank also released its senior loan officer survey, which collects information on the business-lending practices of major Canadian financial institutions.

The business outlook survey showed that many companies expect sales to slow over the next year, although the balance of opinion is not quite as negative as it was in the January report, when it set record lows.

Weak demand will likely put pressure on the price levels of products and services the companies produce, and many firms expect to actually reduce prices, the survey shows.

Read the full article here.
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