End the rent games- Ontario


"My recent experience
sitting as a single judge of this Court to hear motions has convinced me
that there is a growing practice by unscrupulous residential tenants to
manipulate the law improperly, and often dishonestly, to enable them to
remain in their rented premises for long periods of time without having
to pay rent to their landlords. It is this practice that imposes an
unfair hardship on landlords and reflects badly on the civil justice
system in Ontario. It calls for the Government, the Landlord and Tenant
Board and this Court to respond."

Justice Ted Matlow

August 3, 2012 - D'Amico v. Hitti



It's nice that the injustices of the RTA and LTB are coming to light but the reality is that in Ontario the act and the board serve only one underlying purpose and that is to protect this type of tenant and by doing so protect the government from having to house them.

The vast majority of difficult tenants is either on government assistance or are on the bottom of the social latter permanently. When they are evicted they fall on the government to take care of them. The goal of the Ontario Government is to shift the burden of housing these social misfits on private landlords. This is the sole reason the system operates as it does in Ontario.

The best way to reduce the possibilities of being abused by these tenants and the LTB is to only invest in rental properties that are priced beyond the reach of this demographic. Or screen in such a way as to reject any applicant on government assistance. Professional tenants may still slip through screening but the number of abusive tenants in this category is greatly reduced by removing the welfare aspect.


[quote user=smmcguire] "My recent experience
sitting as a single judge of this Court to hear motions has convinced me
that there is a growing practice by unscrupulous residential tenants to
manipulate the law improperly, and often dishonestly, to enable them to
remain in their rented premises for long periods of time without having
to pay rent to their landlords. It is this practice that imposes an
unfair hardship on landlords and reflects badly on the civil justice
system in Ontario. It calls for the Government, the Landlord and Tenant
Board and this Court to respond."

Justice Ted Matlow

August 3, 2012 - D'Amico v. Hitti


They have responded. In fact, if you listen closely, you can hear their response right now.



So with the replies I hear an overpowering response...nothing. Don't be alarmed with the results going forward. So goes the woes of the "poor and disadvantaged landlord" Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


How do I find out if an applicant is on government assistance? Is this information publicly available or do I have to investigate privately to figure it out?


They will often proactively tell you

If not, they will often include this when listing job information on application