Gas utility Easement


So, the building behind mine is being demolished and the gas company is requesting an easement from me to branch off of my gas meter in order to supply gas to a neighbouring property.
They will be digging a trench in my gravel driveway and filling it in of course.
Apparently, the other options or much more difficult.

My first thought is to have no problem with this, but I`m just wondering if there could be any potential problems down the road.
Thanks for the insight.


QUOTE (hotbunz4 @ Oct 12 2010, 12:40 PM) So, the building behind mine is being demolished and the gas company is requesting an easement from me to branch off of my gas meter in order to supply gas to a neighbouring property.
They will be digging a trench in my gravel driveway and filling it in of course.
Apparently, the other options or much more difficult.

My first thought is to have no problem with this, but I`m just wondering if there could be any potential problems down the road.
Thanks for the insight.

That gives you less rights to your property than you would otherwise have. It could present an issue if you wish to redevelop your property at some point. In my opinion, you are giving the gas-utility something they value, they should give you something of value in return, otherwise, why give up those rights?



QUOTE (hotbunz4 @ Oct 12 2010, 12:40 PM) So, the building behind mine is being demolished and the gas company is requesting an easement from me to branch off of my gas meter in order to supply gas to a neighbouring property.
They will be digging a trench in my gravel driveway and filling it in of course.
Apparently, the other options or much more difficult.

My first thought is to have no problem with this, but I`m just wondering if there could be any potential problems down the road.
Thanks for the insight.

Make sure you ask the right people the right questions. Talk to your local building and development department to find out what restrictions you may face in the future.

Years ago we looked at a property which had a gravel parking pad off the back lane; it had a utility right of way running under it and after some research and discussions with the city I found out that no garage could be built on the parking pad. The only thing that could be built was a small carport with no walls and a roof that could be removed in the event there was a need to access the gas/utility lines. I was advised we could challenge it and get a relaxation, but we decided to walk from the deal -- it wasn`t good enough to take the risk of possible future development restrictions.

That may not be the situation in your case but it`s better to be safe than sorry -- ask the questions.


well, he did ofter me some hats....
and some gravel to level some of it out.
He said no free gas though, which would certainly convince me.
...I don`t really value hats, but I don`t want to be a dick if it`s not big deal.
I don`t think there`s room there to build a garage anyway, but it`s worth checking into. Thanks for the input.