Getting results - our "yellow letter" mail-out campaign ... week 3


An update to earlier posts about doing a targeted mail-out (aka a yellow letter campaign).

We sent out a second mail-out campaign to the 28 multi-family bldgs 12 units or larger in a second targeted secondary market with regional hospital and industrial employer within an hour of Halifax, to add to our mail-out to 107 commercial properties in another secondary market. Both mail-outs have been met with really high response rates, above 15 % in the first few weeks (2 and 3 respectively), which is very high for a mail-out. The mail-out campaign along with creating relationship with the top grossing realtors in our target areas have been our two primary strategies thus far. For a yellow letter campaign (aka a mail-out) the key is targeted letters to the most interesting properties rather than casting a broad net and then rapidly screening replies for opportunities most likely to meet our 10 % cash on cash core criteria. The ideal is to have driven the target market beforehand to get your list of properties you really want.
No deals yet but the expectation is growing ... deal flow sooner or later means a deal ... and each deal you look at and reject is just one deal less between you and the next one!
Happy hunting!

Mark Baltazar

Excited to learn, invest and meet new people!!!
That's great! Would love to hear more about more as you continue your campaign.