How To Be A Full Time Investor


Yup, I'm a full-time investor. In a moment I'm going to share how I did it.

a lot of people out there who want to invest in real estate full time
and no shortage of people (me included) who will tell you how to do it.

The question is Jimmy, (Superman reference) DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE A FULL TIME REAL ESTATE INVESTOR?

My guess is the true answer is "no".

From all my experience in consulting professional real estate entrepreneurs (investors included) ALL they want is to get out of their current job or situation.

Real Estate has been sold to them as the vehicle to do it.

That's a good thing. It's also a bad thing. Because I see TOO MANY dreams die.

I"m a huge believer in Real Estate investing and like I told you, I AM a full time investor, BUT I didn't do it THROUGH investing in real estate.

That DOES NOT mean you CAN'T...I just want to be real when people ask me "how did you do it"?

To do this full time, I sold my previous company.

That left me with nothing to do and some money.

forward a few years and BINGO I was investing in real estate full time
before I even knew there was such a thing and it became a "sexy" thing
to say.

But let's drill down to the truth even more. I personally chose real estate as my ticket out of the 'corporate world'. (read: I wanted O.U.T. - OUT!!!)

easily could have stayed on as the VP of my family company making tons
of money, cars paid for and so on`but I wanted to get out of it because I

Strong words yes, but it's the truth. I was FINISHED with trading my life for something I hated.

Just like you may be doing right now
- I dunno.

Full time real estate looks great because I'll bet you've met some great people and heard the stories of huge success: people living their dreams travelling and golfing Tuesday afternoons

THAT's cool! Maybe you want that too. So do all my consulting clients when they start working with me.

However, I DON'T believe ANY of them want to be "FULL TIME" real estate investors.

No matter what they tell me.

They just want to build their life FROM real estate investing.

What's that life?

Many of 'em don't even know. Do you know why?

It's because they're clouded with all the crap that's in front of them today.

can spot it a mile away because I was there too. As soon as I
simplified, unplugged and looked deep inside, full time real estate
investing was not, IS not what I want to do. I just happen to
"officially" do it.

lor: #000080;" style="color: #000080;">Clarity is key

You've heard it multiple times - but let me tell you, when you know exactly why you're investing, EVERYTHING changes.

And here's something you can look forward to: THINGS WILL CHANGE as you progress. (read: your WHY changes)

One of the hardest challenges I had when starting real estate investing was coming up with my "why".

How come you ask?

I felt it had to be "profound", not driven by money or having a reason
that was selfish such as "I want to just get OUT of my freakin' job
because I hate driving 45 minutes every day"

It took many years
for me to stop following everyone else's dreams of owning 50 or 100 or
1000 doors and hundreds of JV partners and so on.

That 'aint me.

I LOVE what I do for people like you e v e r y s i n g l e day!!!

THAT'S full time to me. My PASSION of changing lives is full time. My LIFE is full time. Real Estate just happens to be in the mix.

What about you?

What do you want to get away from?

What do you want to have NOW? (we'll worry about tomorrow later)

What would get you out of bed every day?

IS it real estate investing? I'll argue that for most of us, it is NOT.

That's cool. Because you can still be a "full time" investor and have a job/career that pays you way more than money ever will

Here's your permission:

it sounds corny, but a lot of people I find need to have 'permission'
to say it's ok to be investing in real estate for the 'selfish' reasons
to get you out of something, or pay off a debt or buy a new car. I don't
care what you're reason is...but be REAL.

When you begin living and doing by how you truly feel, your "why" BECOMES clear. The "Clarity" everyone talks about will hit
you in the face.

What are your thoughts about becoming a full time real estate investor? Write them below.

- Joey