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My Brother


Sep 4, 2007
My Story of Success is a bit different but I though I should share it with others. I come from a fairly large family. There are seven in all, five brothers and my two parents. We always had fun on the old family farm but there was never much money to go around.

My middle brother has been going threw some bad times for the past while. His life has been going in a downward spiral for many years now. We all tried to help him out the best way we could with things. But, It just seems the more we tried to help him out, the more he would resist and push himself away from his family and friends.

We actually never really realized what we were dealing with until it was almost too late. In the past year and a half he has had three unsuccessful suicide attempts. My brother was arrested and thrown in jail a month and a half ago. The night he was arrested and thrown into jail the police found some drug paraphernalia in his vehicle. It just so happens that a friend of mine works in the detachment. I contacted him the next day and he confirmed my worst nightmare.

Without skipping a beat, I was able to arrange for a professional interventionalist to fly up from Chicago that very same day. I was out of town on business myself so I dropped everything and flew home to help. We arranged for all his closest family and friends to be part of the intervention at my home. He graciously accepted our gift to start a new life. Within an hour and a half he was on a plane. My brother is now in the best drug rehabilitation program in North America. He will be there for four to six months to get himself straightened out. I am now his Enduring Power Of Attorney. So I am keeping care of all his bills and payments while he is off getting the help he needs

All of this was able to happen because of the real-estate portfolio I own. I would just like to thank REIN for giving me the tools to accumulate a comfortable net worth to make this happen for me and my family.

Thanks again,

Jason Paquette


Oct 24, 2007
Wow excellent story!

Looks like you did all the right things. I hope your brother takes to the program with earnest and gets off to a great start with his new life!

QUOTE (JPAQ @ Mar 25 2008, 10:33 AM) My Story of Success is a bit different but I though I should share it with others. I come from a fairly large family. There are seven in all, five brothers and my two parents. We always had fun on the old family farm but there was never much money to go around.

My middle brother has been going threw some bad times for the past while. His life has been going in a downward spiral for many years now. We all tried to help him out the best way we could with things. But, It just seems the more we tried to help him out, the more he would resist and push himself away from his family and friends.

We actually never really realized what we were dealing with until it was almost too late. In the past year and a half he has had three unsuccessful suicide attempts. My brother was arrested and thrown in jail a month and a half ago. The night he was arrested and thrown into jail the police found some drug paraphernalia in his vehicle. It just so happens that a friend of mine works in the detachment. I contacted him the next day and he confirmed my worst nightmare.

Without skipping a beat, I was able to arrange for a professional interventionalist to fly up from Chicago that very same day. I was out of town on business myself so I dropped everything and flew home to help. We arranged for all his closest family and friends to be part of the intervention at my home. He graciously accepted our gift to start a new life. Within an hour and a half he was on a plane. My brother is now in the best drug rehabilitation program in North America. He will be there for four to six months to get himself straightened out. I am now his Enduring Power Of Attorney. So I am keeping care of all his bills and payments while he is off getting the help he needs

All of this was able to happen because of the real-estate portfolio I own. I would just like to thank REIN for giving me the tools to accumulate a comfortable net worth to make this happen for me and my family.

Thanks again,

Jason Paquette


Aug 30, 2007
Hi Jason,

Thank you for sharing this and reminding us all of 1) how in some ways the business stuff is really second to family and its only when something like this happens we realise that 2) how real estate can help others or allow you to help others.

I went through something not too disimilar with a great friend years back and the one thing I forgot to do at that time was LOOK AFTER MYSELF. Take time to really digest what is going on as the mistake caring people sometimes make is they take on all the emotional stuff as well. By looking after YOU, you will be better able to look after your brother.

Well done, you must be proud of yourself...........and rightly so.

Philip McKernan.

QUOTE (JPAQ @ Mar 25 2008, 10:33 AM) My Story of Success is a bit different but I though I should share it with others. I come from a fairly large family. There are seven in all, five brothers and my two parents. We always had fun on the old family farm but there was never much money to go around.

My middle brother has been going threw some bad times for the past while. His life has been going in a downward spiral for many years now. We all tried to help him out the best way we could with things. But, It just seems the more we tried to help him out, the more he would resist and push himself away from his family and friends.

We actually never really realized what we were dealing with until it was almost too late. In the past year and a half he has had three unsuccessful suicide attempts. My brother was arrested and thrown in jail a month and a half ago. The night he was arrested and thrown into jail the police found some drug paraphernalia in his vehicle. It just so happens that a friend of mine works in the detachment. I contacted him the next day and he confirmed my worst nightmare.

Without skipping a beat, I was able to arrange for a professional interventionalist to fly up from Chicago that very same day. I was out of town on business myself so I dropped everything and flew home to help. We arranged for all his closest family and friends to be part of the intervention at my home. He graciously accepted our gift to start a new life. Within an hour and a half he was on a plane. My brother is now in the best drug rehabilitation program in North America. He will be there for four to six months to get himself straightened out. I am now his Enduring Power Of Attorney. So I am keeping care of all his bills and payments while he is off getting the help he needs

All of this was able to happen because of the real-estate portfolio I own. I would just like to thank REIN for giving me the tools to accumulate a comfortable net worth to make this happen for me and my family.


Thanks again,

Jason Paquette


Sep 17, 2007

Keep us updated on how your Brother is doing. I would be interested in knowing.

Don`t forget that "your brother" is the one who decides whether he wants to get better and there is nothing you can do if the intervention doesn`t work and he continues in a downward spiral.

I know this from a family experience of my own that I thought I could fix. You only have control over your actions and not someone elses. Your action was to take action and help the way you could. Now it`s in your brothers` hands to decide what to do with the gift you`ve given him.

Just don`t self-blame when it doesn`t work. And yes, look after #1, that`s yourself, and don`t feel guilty that you can`t dedicate your life to your brothers health and well being. Don`t let your brothers choices consume your life.

It`s hard to know what a sibling must be thinking, or what has happened to them in their lifetime to choose to self-destruct.

If the intervention works let us all know.


Investor, Analyst, Author, Philanthropist
Staff member
REIN Member
Aug 22, 2007
We never know when someone else will need us... so I think that if we live our lives full out and create as much success as we can, when someone truly need us we can be there 100% for them in whatever capacity that is.

Well done on working hard to be the position to quite possibly saving your brother`s life. It doesn`t get much more important than that. Real estate, like any investment or lifestyle choice, is only a means to an end.


Sep 4, 2007
QUOTE (DonCampbell @ Apr 6 2008, 06:55 PM) We never know when someone else will need us... so I think that if we live our lives full out and create as much success as we can, when someone truly need us we can be there 100% for them in whatever capacity that is.

Well done on working hard to be the position to quite possibly saving your brother`s life. It doesn`t get much more important than that. Real estate, like any investment or lifestyle choice, is only a means to an end.

You are right Don. I agree.

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