Opportunity to Positively Impact Alberta`s Economy


Hello Politically Proactive RE Investors,

I had the opportunity to hear Albert Cooper speak on the topic of nuclear power in Alberta. Mr.Cooper is the former and long-time Member of Parliment from the Peace River constituency, and is the current point-man for Bruce Power in Peace River developing the Peace River Nuclear Project.

I directly asked him after the speech what supporters of the project could do to increase the likelihood of the project coming to fruition. His answer was clear and unambiguous: go the the Alberta Government`s Nuclear Power website and read the comprehensive study of Alberta`s energy system, then fill out the online survey registering your opinion on nuclear energy in Alberta.

Here is the link: http://www.energy.alberta.ca/

He stated during his speech that the project is far from a sure thing at this point. It needs the government of Alberta to agree that nuclear power in Alberta is a good idea, and the way to persuade the Alberta government of that is by filling out this survey. They are placing a lot of importance upon this survey.

You know the anti-development crowd will be voicing their opinion loudly, so let`s let them hear the pro-development side.

My own personal opinion is that if this thing meets all the most stringent safety standards, it is a fantastic idea. The Peace River region is my home region, and the impact of a $12,000,000,000 project will be fantastic. Imagine RE values in Peace River, Grimshaw, and Fairview. Imagine economic spinoff in Edmonton, Ft. St. John, Dawson Creek, Grande Prairie. This is huge, but it needs a lot of support still.