Pot smoking and playing music loud neighbours


Hello everyone!

I have a question I have a renter next door who smokes pot and playing music very loudly so that

my tenant cannot stand it. It seems my property management is not willing to do anything.

Is there any channel to deal with my neighbours? I know I cannot get rid of that renters since he is not

living in my property.

Any suggestion will be appreciated!!

Thank you


Talk to the condo corp. Noise complaints are usually taken seriously there. Police may be willing to give a noise violation after the 300th call or so. Good news there is that the owner may get a copy of that and be willing to act. Work w/ condo corp is most direct route likely. They'll inform owner that fines may be applied and condo corp can generally make life miserable enough for an owner to act


Hi Chris

Thank you very much for your comment. I will communicate with my board to act upon incidents. I will keep you posted.


Its called Breach of Quiet Enjoyment under Tort Law, in civil court you can sue both tenants and management. Keep track of all evidence such as police reports times and dates, as well make sure its in writing as it must be submitted to the tribunal or courts. Even medical reports as to the effects of you as a victim ie hearing loss lack of sleep or halucinations exctra...You may submit a claim at your local court office best advise seek a free consultation with a lawyer and also sue for legal costs as well as punitive damages for the hours of lost sleep and missing work because of it.HOW about writting a complaint to the local police authorities for not using reasonable cause to search in respect to the pot smoking? Keeping it safe Cpt Mitch.


There is a catch to actually having the police take action or the LTB. Since you do not live there it is actually your tenant that must initiate all actions.

This is unlike to actually happen as most tenants "don't want to get involved".

If the condo board does not take action to resolve your neighbor problem your tenant has three choices - put up, shut up or pack up.


I sat on on a condo board for 3 years and we manage few condo buildings.

This is a tough one...

Key things are:

Patience because you need to document, document, document and document ...all incidences with dates, time etc...

Call the Police and document the reference numbers ( you want to show that you were affected enough to call the Police many times)

After 5 weeks, submit all your documents to the board.

Now if the resident living in that unit is an owner, then the board will need to deal with him/her via setting up a mediation meeting which is documented.

If the issue is not resolved then it will escalate to enforce court action. Pls note that the condo act is different that the Landlord Tenant act if you are dealing with a condo owner causing this issue. There are remedies in the condo act that can have the board throw a resident out of the community ( again it takes time) - so back to patience :)

If the resident is a tenant, then the Board can go after the owner to have him/her pursue the Tenant via Landlord Tenant Act. Again this takes time...

We have dealt with both situations.

Good luck,



Eddy Boudiwan


Real Estate Rangers & Taft Forward Management Joint Venture

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www.realestaterangers.ca www.taft-forward.com


Hi everyone!

Thank you Eddy for your comment!

I haven't checked this website while.

But the issue that I was having ended a quite dramatic turn.

What happened was police busted that tenant and arrested him as well as his 'friends' in the

middle of night. He had a lot of drug charges and evicted shortly after this happened!

Thank you for your knowledge and support!