Real Estate Investment Courses - Opinions


It's been interesting reading the estimates on the total number of REIN Members through the history of the organization - I can't provide an exact number, but I can confirm that Thomas' estimate is quite accurate.

Also, there are two things to keep in mind about the $3.4 Billion figure:

  • represents purchase price, not current market value
    represents only those properties that are reported to REIN office (my guess would be that there is at least an additional $ billion in unreported purchases by REIN Members who forget/neglect to fax in their forms)

So, when you re-do the math using these numbers, it's a pretty good indication of the action that REIN Members do take. That's why Don and the team here like to tell the story, Nir.


As someone who has never bothered to tell REIN about properties I've bought while a member, you can add another 1.5 mill to the REIN figure for a total of 30 doors. After 2 years of full-time RE investing for me the only other educational resource I have found to be as useful as REIN is material from David Lindahl out of the US who focuses on value plays in apt buildings. I would recommend the REIN multi-family course but also Lindahl's audio course for a really complete education for this field of investing. Get them both if you want to buy larger apt buildings ie 10 units or up.


Hi Nir

I think this the biggest thing impacting the data is that many (the vast majority?) don't send in the information on properties they purchase. I know I have not. The actual number is likely multiples of that. For REIN member that I meet that is looking to purchase their first investment property there are two others that have many.

[quote user=Nir][quote user=MadisonNorton]over the past 20 years of educating real estate investors across the country and the globe, members have purchased over $3.4 billion in Canadian cash flow real estate. That number certainly says something for a system that gives you the tools and confidence to go out and take real action.

REIN is actually much better than that. I find that $3.4 Billion figure funny every time. I know Don is using it a lot. Here is why: let's say REIN had a total of 20,000 different members in the past 20 years. (some stayed for 2 years some longer). so 3.4B divided by 20,000 members = only $170K RE purchased per member!

That's not much, not sure it's even more than RE purchase per person in the population :)

Perhaps an indication that, at least in the past, many REIN members unfortunately have not purchased any RE and other top members purchased much more than average. 3.4B is a big number but when divided by the number of REIN members in the past 20 years (whether 10K, 20K or 30K) it's actually very little per person/member. REIN is much better than that :)


Also a good point Thomas

[quote user=ThomasBeyer][quote user=Nir]20,000 different members in the past 20 years.
probably far less than that .. maybe 5000 - 6000 .. and assume 50% of people leave because they do NOTHING .. so that would be $3.4B divided by 2500 action takers = $1.3M per .. WOW !!

use a bell curve with many folks doing 1-2 houses that leaves an average of probably 5-8 for MANY .. and well over 50 for a few too !

.. many became multi-millionaries !

The ONLY other credible group is Ozzie Jurrock's REAG, in Vancouver (and Victoria) only .. similar monthly program.