Rebates from Telecomms in return for access to multi family buildings


Hello, I have about 80 units in one Maritime community now in 4 buildings. There are two telecomm providers, Eastlink and Bell. In return for preferential access to my tenants and me steering people towards Bell at move-in, Bell has offered me two free packages phone wifi TV - one in my house and they are suggesting I give the other to the bldg manager. The value of these two packages is about 150 each per month.

At the same time they are refusing to allow me to instead rebate the cost of the phone lines for the intercomm system, saying that Intercomm is a different part of Bell and they can't do that.

What would be realistic for the telecomms to rebate to owners? Eastlink said they did actual cash rebates up to 6 % at a higher level but weren't interested in working with me as they had very few customers in the buildings (old and decrepit being gutted and renovated).

Thanks, I appreciate any input!