REIN Track Record


Sep 24, 2008
Just curious if there has ever been any kind of track record produced with regard to REIN`s recommendations? Perhaps in terms of capital gains.

ie vs the Top Ten Towns list? Not sure how long they have been producing that though..

That would be interesting.
Aug 31, 2007
North Vancouver
I think if you spend time to go through the hundreds of posts here you will find the answers to your questions.

I do not know the latest statistic, but REIN members have collectively purchased more than $1 BILLION worth of real estate. I forget the number of doors that represents.

I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of those acquisitions are in "Top Ten Towns", although I don`t know that for certain.

And do you want to know something? That statistic is not important. What you need to do to make yourself successful is to learn how to put the REIN system to work so that you can create your own success in whatever area or town you pick. Can you make the system work in non-Top Ten Towns, or provinces other than AB or ON? You bet you can. Members are doing it.