RLG Masters Program - how many here?


Airdrie, AB
REIN Member
Lynda and I attended Tony Peters session in Calgary over the weekend and we were fortunate to meet several other Masters Program participants. Good sharing over the breaks/lunches and glad to have met you all...

There were some frank discussions on perceived value received so far - for Lynda and me, we agree that we may not have been as active if we did not have our regular call with Lynette...

Curious how many others are regulars here and what your thoughts are so far?



REIN Member
Hi Neil,

Our mentor is Jon. Hanna and I have found the program to be valuable. Although not having to close on any deals yet, we feel more confident and relax with the strategies. We now don`t feel like seminar grad anymore, just settling to a day to day routine. Looking back to BR(Before Ron), I must admit that we have stretched our views on the potential deals that are out there. We are no longer the same. We have made many changes in our lives to accomodate the new changes.

I think that we are active even without our mentor, but found him to be very resourceful to point us in the right direction. With his help, we feel that we are on the verge of breaking through. It`s not the matter of if, but when. We know that when get the first shutup cheque, lookout!!
