Uncooperative board members.


Sep 23, 2007
I'm the president of a small, three member condo board here in Edmonton.

The complex is currently in the process of moving from one property manager to another and as such, there are a few little tasks that the board needs to complete as we make this change. The current challenge is getting the two other board members to physically go to the bank and sign paperwork that has to do with signing authority.

I've done everything I can to make it as painless as possible but they just can't be bothered to go sign the papers. I've communicated my frustration to the new PM and she too is at a loss. She's called them repeatedly, dropped off written notices, and even stopped by the units in person. Still the two members are unresponsive.

Without them signing the paperwork, the condo corp can't pay bills, hire contractors, or do anything else that requires money.

If I've got a small board and the rest of the members won't play ball, what are my options? Does anyone have any advice as to how I can pressure these people to make their condo board responsibilities seriously?