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We must be doing something wrong...I`m just not sure what


Sep 14, 2007

I have been trying to rent out my 3 bedroom and 2 bedroom in Falconridge in Calgary. I have taken hints from my fellow investors and updated my add several times but to no avail. I also considered the curb side appeal and got a friend (who is a renter) to come and view the property and tell me her honest opinion.

A few touch ups later - still no tenants. I`ve had a good number of responses via Kijiji, craigslist, rentfast, homerent and the paper but whenever I set up a viewing they are all no shows.

Is the weather a deterrent? My viewing hours? (usually 7 or 8pm) Or one other possibility that may be a factor is that when they set up a viewing I send them the application to rent at that time via email. (I find it saves time) I always tell them that if they are interested in the place they can hand it in at that time of the viewing and if they are not interested in renting, to dispose of it in a proper manner. (ie paper shredder, etc)

I can see how this may be an extra step for the prospective tenant and slightly annoying, but really it saves them from having to make an extra trip to the rental property or sending it in the mail (which takes more time) if they don`t have a fax machine, which most people don`t have access to. And really they are going to have to fill out the application anyways if they want to rent.

So I`m obviously doing something wrong...I`m just not sure what it is. Help!

Thanks for any responses, they would be greatly appreciated.

here are my online sites




Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Aug 30, 2007
nice sites ..

ads show no windows .. and ceiling looks LOW .. thus I imagine (likely incorrectly) a dark dank basement .. thus:

a) show pictures with windows i.e. prove that it is "bright"
b) $1100 for a basement suite sounds too high
c) where is it ? close to bus or C-Train ? add a Google or Yahoo map !
d) winter @ -25 is always hard to rent .. it`ll pick up by mid-January to early Feb usually ..
e) unclear is if utilities are included or not
f) room for how many parking stalls ?

btw: this is likely an ILLEGAL basement suite so you run the risk of it being disallowed by city if someone complains due to noise, too many cars, drugs, too many people ...


Real Estate Maven
REIN Member
Oct 22, 2007
It`s a good start, but I have a few thoughts...

I agree that the photos make both suites look dark. And more photos are not necessarily better. For instance, I would remove the photo that shows just a closet and a light fixture as well as the photo of the stove.

You could make the suite more attractive by taking a couple of nice landscape or architecture photos, blowing them up in black and white, framing them in black, and hanging them in the suite. This is an incredibly cheap way to dress up the place (especially if you get your enlargements through Costco). And if you like, you can gift the photos to the new tenant as a welcome.

Your description could have more personal appeal. For instance, instead of "Featuring a spacious master bedroom," you could say "You will have room to relax in the spacious master bedroom." Inserting the potential renter ("you will...") starts them picturing themselves in the suite.

I would also add a few details about the neighbourhood so that your prospects get a feel for whether or not they will be happy in the area. For example, "You will feel safe on this quiet, family-oriented street."

And I would advertise both suites without utilities included, thereby showing market rent. Then I add a line near the bottom stating, "For your convenience, we would be happy to negotiate an utilities-included rent." This avoids sticker shock for the utilities-included price.

Also, I wouldn`t send the application beforehand unless the prospect requests it.

Hope this helps.



REIN Member
Aug 29, 2007
I live in Ontario and I have no idea how much rent should be, or what the market in your area is like right now.

Looking at the apartment, it looks neglected for some time. Very dated, dark, missing ceiling tile, needs paint and flooring. If $1100 is top dollar for your targeted tenants you may be asking too much for the condition it`s in.

Just my 2 cents.

Brad Hamilton

Mike Milovick

Mar 15, 2008

One of your ad headlines mention "basement" apartment. I don`t know about you, but I don`t want to live in a basement. Lose word "basement" in all of your ads and your vocabulary. Maybe replace with "lower level".

Also, CMCH Rental report for fall indicates 2 and 3 bedroom units renting at $1140 a month. Likely inclusive. So you can figure that both units are going to be overpriced relative to the market.

Also, you may consider getting a virtual tour done as opposed to still pictures. Check out my website, Hello,

I have been trying to rent out my 3 bedroom and 2 bedroom in Falconridge in Calgary. I have taken hints from my fellow investors and updated my add several times but to no avail. I also considered the curb side appeal and got a friend (who is a renter) to come and view the property and tell me her honest opinion.

A few touch ups later - still no tenants. I`ve had a good number of responses via Kijiji, craigslist, rentfast, homerent and the paper but whenever I set up a viewing they are all no shows.

Is the weather a deterrent? My viewing hours? (usually 7 or 8pm) Or one other possibility that may be a factor is that when they set up a viewing I send them the application to rent at that time via email. (I find it saves time) I always tell them that if they are interested in the place they can hand it in at that time of the viewing and if they are not interested in renting, to dispose of it in a proper manner. (ie paper shredder, etc)

I can see how this may be an extra step for the prospective tenant and slightly annoying, but really it saves them from having to make an extra trip to the rental property or sending it in the mail (which takes more time) if they don`t have a fax machine, which most people don`t have access to. And really they are going to have to fill out the application anyways if they want to rent.

So I`m obviously doing something wrong...I`m just not sure what it is. Help!

Thanks for any responses, they would be greatly appreciated.

here are my online sites





REIN Member
Sep 14, 2007
I think that the others are right about your photos and I too would update them with brighter shots.

Make sure that when you use Kijiji or Craigs list that you are at the top of the list and pay to keep them there or they just get shoved to the bottom.

For your RentFaster ad.....don`t be cheap! Take out two adds. The extra $30 is what is going to get you the people you want. If I look at that ad the first thing I think is that if i were to rent it would the owner be too cheap to fix my whatever should it need to be fixed. I find RentFaster to be a much more effective site if it is used properly so spend the extra few bucks.

I think your rents might be a little high for the basement suite. Take out the utils and lower the rent by a few bucks....at the end of the day it is the same thing for you and had an impression of being cheaper for the renter.

I find that if I make them send me the application back prior to showing it helps a lot with the no shows. It helps weed out the tire kickers right away and gets me people who are really interested and if they are not the people I want to be renting to anyway I don`t show it to them.

This time of year can be very difficult to rent.....it will pick up here in the new year!

Have a look at Rental Price INCREASE with Great Tenants!

Good Luck!


Aug 30, 2007
We had two vacancies through late Nov and Dec, but both are rented now. People are looking again; well priced and effectively advertised properties will begin to fill now.


Mar 14, 2008
Has been pretty cold to go out at 7-8 pm at night . If no car they will be no shows. Ask them when they can meet you then call them one hour before you are supose to meet to make sure they are comming.


REIN Member
Dec 24, 2008
As a tenant, I would recommend you to change the color of the lights. Make it look brighter, and add some contrast to your pics. They look brownish, if possible show the windows. Add some decoration, like plants. And the price is too high I`d say. Let`s say you put a price for $950 and your original price is $1100. The difference is $150. If you cannot rent it for 1 month that will be equal to almost 8 months rent difference. Do the math, rent it asap.

Good Luck


Dec 10, 2007
I agree with what everyone has said here, especially the idea you should have 2 ads, not one. I find free websites to be a waste of time. Homerent.ca is another good one that gets me a lot of responses.

I also think you need a shot of the front of the house, curb appeal means a lot.

Good luck,



Aug 30, 2007
Used to be pets negotiable.
Now it`s smokers negotiable and pets welcome.

Yellow stains on wall or yellow stains on the carpet.
Ya gotta love it.
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