Recent content by DavidMacDonald

  1. DavidMacDonald

    Calgary Signage Bylaw Map

    This is great Travis! Thanks for sharing! Have you found one for Edmonton? Thanks!
  2. DavidMacDonald

    Optioning while it`s still listed

    Will do Brett! Thanks very much for your input!
  3. DavidMacDonald

    Optioning while it`s still listed

    Thanks Barry...I`ll watch my wording and clarify that I may buy the property, or choose to sell the option to someone else. I have chosen not to pursue the property that I had in mind. I`ll stick to FSBO`s only so I don`t get myself or anyone else in trouble. It sounds like it`s simply not...
  4. DavidMacDonald

    Optioning while it`s still listed

    Hi Brett, Yeah...RECA doesn`t scare me If I have the property under Option, I have the right to buy the property and the right to sell the Option. I consulted with Barry McGuire on the Option process to make sure everything I`m planning is legal. He outlined the entire process so all...
  5. DavidMacDonald

    Got an Option - Now What?

    Hey Antay, Congrats on the Option! Why don`t you 7-day sale it? The upfront marketing costs aren`t too bad, and judging by your margin, you could make a nice profit! If you did the sale, and found out that you didn`t get what you wanted for the property, you could always stick with your...
  6. DavidMacDonald

    Optioning while it`s still listed

    Thanks for the info Brett. I was looking at the Termination agreement that the seller signs and there are 3 different clauses in there and depending which one is chosen, depends on your ongoing obligation to that realtor. If I remember correctly, Option C allows you to not have any ongoing...
  7. DavidMacDonald

    Optioning while it`s still listed

    I`m meeting a seller tonight who needs to sell his property. It has been listed since October and has had 2 price drops. He says his realtor isn`t working very hard to sell. I would like to Option this property from the owners but the listing doesn`t expire until March 1. My plan is to do...
  8. DavidMacDonald

    Optioning a Property from a Seller

    Hi Everyone, I`m considering Optioning a property from a Seller. I have the "Option to Purchase" contract from Barry McGuire`s "Deal-Ready Documents" course (A FANTASTIC COURSE!!) but I`m still a bit unclear of exactly how the closing works once I`ve found a buyer. I`ve read about a...
  9. DavidMacDonald

    Got my call from the police today...

    Yes please Tony!! I`ve had some very negative reactions from they yellow letters too. Some people have used the word "creepy." I don`t like that reaction and I don`t like freaking people out. But without the capital to advertise on a billboard, taxi cab, bus, or any other form of...
  10. DavidMacDonald

    Quick Turn into JV

    Hi Adam, I will be taking on liability, but only through a JV agreement. I will not be taking over the loan, and as long as I structure the JV agreement properly, I am able to minimize the risk. With regards to the "value dropping", if I`m not mistaken, the option price is set before the...
  11. DavidMacDonald

    Potential Quick Turn Deal

    Way to go Jim!! It`s awesome to see that this deal came as a result of your marketing and your website! This person came to you and you help solve their problem...nice work!
  12. DavidMacDonald

    Quick Turn into JV

    Property tax is not included in these figures...but insurance is. On a Lease Option deal, any repairs under $500 are the tanant`s responsibility. The home is only 7 years old, so the furnace, hot water tank, and any other large items should be in good working condition for the next year or so...
  13. DavidMacDonald

    Quick Turn into JV

    Hi Everyone! I`d just like to quickly run through a deal and maybe get some feedback from my fellow investors... First of all, this lady was ready to walk away from her house and just sign it over to me without receiving any cash. I explained that I was an investor, the loan would stay in...
  14. DavidMacDonald

    Eviction vs. Foreclosure

    That`s great advice...thanks Mark! You can never have too much CYA in this business
  15. DavidMacDonald

    Eviction vs. Foreclosure

    Thanks for the valuable information everyone! What you said in your post, Tony, was what I figured. I did take Mr. McGuire`s "Deal Ready Documents" couse following the Ron LeGrand event. It was money WELL spent and I highly recommend it to everyone! Any yes, you`re right, I do need to brush...