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  1. R

    Seller financing on clear title...how to present?

    QUOTE (Sherilynn @ May 3 2010, 08:57 AM) Greetings. I have come accross several properties listed at or below market value where the seller has clear title. Any ideas how to present seller financing? Theoretically, the seller would need to get a mortgage on a property that he owns outright in...
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    Anyone looking for a tenant?

    oops Give me some contact info and we can discuss, see if we can get along.
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    Hammered by Headlines

    Oh boy. Average home prices is not that important as it includes big ticket mansions, look at the median price instead. And put things in perspective, an 8% decrease coming after a 40+% increase in value. Land sales go down when well there is less land to sell. Royalties revenue are very...
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    Larger Deal JV`s

    QUOTE (thomasbeyer2000 @ Jul 1 2008, 06:00 PM) The lender USUALLY takes personal guarantees only from the class A voting shareholders or shareholders of the general partner, depending on the structure of the deal .. and not always up tp 100% of loan amount ! NEGOTIATE .. or seek alternative...
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    Larger Deal JV`s

    QUOTE (gordgood @ Jun 9 2008, 08:01 PM) I was wondering if anyone has purchased a larger Apartment in the 1 to 2 million dollar range with 25% down + closing costs etc. JV money and still manage to get the classic 50% interest in the property or have you had to reduce your percentage on bigger...
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    Notary problems...

    Bonjour Daniel, Whose "notaire" is this, yours or the seller`s? Not sure about quebec laws but in alberta we have never had to pay legal fees on a failed transaction. It is a different story if your notary had to write up the purchase contract. Simon QUOTE (Nakoliss @ May 22 2008, 01:34...
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    Please help. Fraudulent seller

    Bonjour Daniel, Before moving to Calgary I kind of dabbled into the Montreal real estate market. That was over ten years ago now but from your post it seems that nothing has changed. You can and should not rely on verbal information but luckily as far as I can recall, land titles and purchase...
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    Can anyone recommend a banking institution for a small business chequing account?

    My experience: avoid CIBC. Their staff is poorly trained, their IT antidated and upper management caught big time in all the big messes of the last few years (Enron and subprime). Put it on a deficient bank card or what but we were unable to use ATMs for anything and were made to bank...
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    Bonjour from Québec

    Bonjour Patrick, Es-tu a Calgary? Si oui j`aimerais beaucoup te rencontrer, juste histoire d`utiliser mon francais un peu plus souvent. Simon 403-816-6124 QUOTE (fradette @ Jan 19 2008, 12:05 PM) Bonjour Papa Rose Moi aussi je suis papa rose, deux enfants trois ans et deux ans la vie est...
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    Houses For Sale in Calgary - Under $25K

    That`s funny, I know just the guy. His name is Lionel Ravin and he does just what you are describing. He buys raw land, divides it into large lots, moves old houses from Calgary and puts them onto a brand new basement and sell acreage properties. I am sure it is not as simple as that but...
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    Agreement for Sale vs Long Closing

    Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. Just going a bit too fast for me. If I understand correctly you are saying that under an agreement for sale we would basicaly act as a mangement layer between our friend and the tenant until closing with a third party. She would then still be held...
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    Bonjour from Québec

    Bonjour Daniel, Enfin un peu de Francais! Je suis membre de REIN depuis une annee environ mais avec ma femme nous avons fait de l`immobilier depuis bientot 10 ans. Je sais par experience qu`il est tres difficile d`obtenir une hypotheque sans avoir un travail salarie a temps plein, et je sais...
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    Agreement for Sale vs Long Closing

    Hi, A friend of ours got into the Real Estate market based on our advice. She did really well with a condo in Edmonton, the property has increased in value beyond belief and cash flows really well. The only problem is that she cannot handle the stress attached to it. At all. Now she wants...
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    JV partner forms in French?

    Hi LaRy, I totally agree with Anita. Make it their responsability to understand what they are looking at. If you start translating some of the forms where is it going to end? Thanks to language laws, typically people in Quebec are used to have access to everything in French by a snap of two...
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