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  1. A

    Help with mold!

    The downstairs tenants called Alberta Health services and I've had Cascade environment do a air test both downstairs and upstairs and wall cavity test. Since Alberta Health is involved I have to get it certified, so a remediation company is currently setting up a negative airspace downstairs to...
  2. A

    Help with mold!

    Right now the unknown is scary and I'm hopfully worrying about things may not happen. Our tennants are as much of a problem as the mold. The basement tennats broke their lease and moved out, which I allowed them to do and returned their full damage deposit. But since contacted the secondary...
  3. A

    Help with mold!

    I'm going through the worst possible scenario and need some advice. I've got a basement suite and the tenant first reported some mold along the baseboard. They used this to break their lease and move out. During the move out they informed my property manager of health issues. So I got an...
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