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  1. M

    Condominium Fire

    Condominium Unit Owner's Loss Assessment Coverage "The coverage is subject to the policy deductible and covers the insured unit owner's share of special assessment levied by the Condominium Corporation for direct loss or damage to the Condominium property collectively owned by the unit owners...
  2. M


    Hi Ali, Surrey/Cloverdale is a great place to invest in my mind. I work for the city and know that there are major improvements and development planned for the area. I'm also an insurance broker in the area. As always, find a good deal no matter where you buy. Don't just buy and hope...
  3. M

    How I optimized cash flow of a ghetto property in Winnipeg

    Hi Robert,I am a local Insurance Broker and have been interested in real estate investing for many years. Are you and your investors interested in working together to take care of your Home Insurance needs?If so, please let me know.ThanksMike Wilson </FONT> This is what I did with the 16th...
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