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Search results

  1. A

    Apartment Building

    Thanks Thomas, i'll send it through email
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    Apartment Building

    Someone I know is planning on purchasing an apartment building with 18 apartments in it. He says he will earn 7% cash flow after ALL expenses, that includes an apartment manager who will live in and manage the place, the mortgage etc. This property is also downtown toronto in an ok area. The...
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    Europe / US Debt Issues

    RIM being one example, or even NETFLIX. These are companies that have dropped incredibly. And in some ways this is a good thing because you can short them or buy low sell high etc. What I mean by high risk VERY high yield is that the state of the current economy has had a very large impact on...
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    Europe / US Debt Issues

    I managed to short tons of RIM shares and made a killing recently. I intend to do the same with many companies that reside in the U.S. The stock market is not stable and i've been able to use this to my advantage. I'll probably be investing in long term development such as a bio fuel company...
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    Getting Started

    Thank you everyone for all the responses. I've been reading through your blogs and also many more of the posts in this forum and I believe it was a very good idea to join the community here. School and work are very important to me, but my thoughts have been that the earlier I begin investing...
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    Getting Started

    Hello everyone! My name is Alex and i'm a 19 year old second year university student, looking to some day take all the funds from my dull TFSA account, and place it into a hopefully successful property. I've read many books on business and real estate which thanks to Don eventually brought me...
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