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  1. M

    Advice for beginner

    Thanks a lot. Great feedback.
  2. M

    Advice for beginner

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. M
  3. M

    Advice for beginner

    Thanks for your reply Sherilynn. I would have to give the $55k in the following payment intervals, (not at once) $5k on signing, $5k in 30 days $10k in 90 days $10k in 180 days $10k on sep 2014 $15k on occupancy. One of the reasons I am interested in this kinda investment is that I...
  4. M

    Advice for beginner

    Hi, My name is Mehrad and I am new to investment in real state. I was a University of Waterloo student (in Ontario) and recently graduated. I was thinking about purchasing a property in Waterloo for investment. Knowing that Waterloo is filled with students and there is a lot of demand for...
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