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  1. A

    Renter did not give notice...

    Thank you for all replies. I spoke with tenant board and I have to give back full deposit. Disappointed that I received a rein lease agreement that holds no water. Anyway, lesson learn, I purchased approved lease agreement form from tenant board. Thanks again for everyone's feedback.
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    Renter did not give notice...

    Edmonton, then what is the point of a lease agreement if it has no teeth?
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    Renter did not give notice...

    Hello, My tenant signed the tenant agreement (from rein) which states they have to give us 60days written notice. Tenant did not honour the agreement. If fact we ended up having to call them as lease was up June 1. They did not return our call until a few days later which was 2 weeks before June...
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    Considering starting my own handy man repair business in edmonton

    I am pretty good at it , been doing it for alone time in between my real job. I am thinking of doing this full time as I seem to be getting more work. It would be great for out of town investors because I could be the one to come in and clean up, paint and repair and take pictures without you...
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