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Search results

  1. H

    Broker in Calgary

    Thanks!. information = power
  2. H

    Broker in Calgary

    I`ve been dealing with my bank for the financing of a cople of properties but suddenly I feel I am not getting good deals, plus we don`t talk the same language (e.g. they advise me things that are ok for home owners, not necesarily for real estate investors). I would like to initiate working...
  3. H

    My first rental ad

    QUOTE (weenapratt @ Aug 5 2008, 01:27 PM) Hi Steve, Terri and Manj, I truly appreciate all of your input. Thank you so much for taking your time to help with my ad and for your great insights. I really like your copies and suggestions, Steve and Terri. Also like about the themes that Manj...
  4. H

    Mature Mortgage

    Hi, I have a rental property with a BMO mortgage due for renewal on Nov 1, 2008. I locked this mortgage back in 2003 at an amazing 3.99% ... of course I am not expecting to get someting that low in November, but I am looking for good a deal. Any suggestions are welcome. Hugo Arias...
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