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  1. B

    Can I Sell the property?

    QUOTE (invst4profit @ Jun 11 2010, 06:24 AM) http://www.rto.gov.bc.ca/documents/Guides/ACT_English.pdf 10.6.3 Thanks very much
  2. B

    Can I Sell the property?

    I live in Vancouver and have a rental property with the tenants on a 12 month lease. Do I have to wait until the end of the lease before selling the property, or can I give them notice?
  3. B

    Time to Sell in Vancouver?

    I have a townhouse in downtown Vancouver that I bought in 2003 as a primary residence and turned into a rental residence in 2007. From a cashflow perspective it barely breaks even, a situation likely to get worse as interest rates rise on my variable rate mortgage. Not surprisingly I have...
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