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Search results

  1. M

    Young RE Investors

    Hi, Russell I would love to be part out this group as well. I`m 23 now and joined REIN just back in March. I don`t have any properties yet and my goal is to get 3 by the end of this year.
  2. M

    QuickBooks EasyStart for free

    Great link, should be a good tool for people like me who`s starting out in RE investing
  3. M

    Balance between work / investing, Please help!

    Hi everyone, I just joined this forum and came across lots of great knowledge. Thanks for some great posts. Let me briefly introduce myself..... I`m 23 and working full-time job(40 hours/5 days week) with decent pay. I also have a small store on ebay which give me a little bit of extra income...
  4. M

    Young RE Investors

    23 here in Vancouver Just signed up on this forum and i found it great. I have no property yet but i`m looking to purchase my first investment property in this year. I`m a beginner by the way with about 3 years of investment exp. but fairly new on RE Would love to talk to other investors about...
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