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  1. P

    Is the Canadian Housing Market Overvalued ?

    Having been knee deep in the current UK property market crash I too am worried by the signs in Canada you will never experience the kind of fall in house prices that we have experienced however it simply boils down to affordability the price to earnings ratio hits a ceiling and there is a price...
  2. P

    Property Management In Toronto

    Hi, Thanks for the advice I have run my own property management business for 10 years now and just thought it might be an avenue worth looking into in Canada. I know what you mean about not recommending it to your worst enemy have worked pretty much 24/7 for the last 10 years!! but in the Uk...
  3. P

    Property Management In Toronto

    Hi, I am moving to Toronto at the end of the year and currently sitting the Real Estate exams as this is the area I wish to work in, I currently run a lettings/property management company in the Uk and wondered whether it might be something I could do in Toronto. Do landlords tend to use...
  4. P

    Canadian housing market headed for a crash!

    Hi Thomas Thanks for your comments I appreciate things are different in terms of price rises GDP ratios and defaults etc just overly cautious given whats happened here. It does give me some peace of mind that someone with your experience is still bullish about the long term prospects of the...
  5. P

    Canadian housing market headed for a crash!

    Hi all, Just joined so sorry if the initial post is all doom and gloom ! I currently live in the UK where we are in the middle of the largest property market crash of all time down 25% so far and expecting further 10-20% falls next year. I am moving to Canada next year(Toronto) and as a...
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