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Search results

  1. R

    Executive Rentals

    I appreciate the advice. Will think about it again...... Rick
  2. R

    Executive Rentals

    I would appreciate some help from any exeprienced investor out there! I live in Kelowna and have been considering the idea of purchasing an executive rental unit. I have looked at all the following aspects: 1) location I know very well and should be suitable ( 1 block from hospital and one...
  3. R

    New to REIN

    Thanks for all the advice - I appreciate it! I will finish my binder, get in contact with a broker and take it from there. I read your articles Thomas, and they gave me good insight! Thanks, once again. Rick
  4. R

    New to REIN

    Hi to all I am new to REIN and am overwhelmed! I attended the ACRE meeting earlier in Vancouver this year. It was great and I felt motivated when I left there. Got back home and went through my binder again and felt overwhelmed. So many forms and so much information. Since then I have been...
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