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investment oppurtunity


REIN Member
Jul 17, 2008
Hi Everyone
I have an investment oppurtunity in Barrie Ontario or it can be in Orillia Ontario. Which town would give me the best bang for my buck over the next 5 to 7 years? I quess my question or discussion is directed to our Ontario Rein members who may be investing in these areas. Let me give you more details to my situation. I have a cousin who has been relocated to the area. She doesn`t have the money for the down payment on a new home. My plan is to buy the house she makes all the mortgage payments and handles all repairs and maintenance (Classic Joint Venture). I think Orillia, she likes Barrie. I`m just wondering which may have the strongest fundamentals?

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Aug 30, 2007
QUOTE (daviddunville @ Mar 21 2009, 10:47 AM) ...I think Orillia, she likes Barrie. I`m just wondering which may have the strongest fundamentals?
you do not invest in an average house in an average city .. you buy a SPECIFIC home in a SPECIFIC neighborhood .. so depending on going in price and neighborhood .. even in a much better city you could end up with a lower return perhaps because you paid too much or you managed it worse ..

so pick a city and a micro-area that makes sense (suing REIN tools and analysis such as in-migration, rising ages, transportation improvements ..) and make the best of it with a SPECIFIC property in a very SPECIFIC neighborhood that you know very well (or research enough so you know it very well soon ..)!!

Related post on how to get started http://myreinspace.com/public_forums/General_Discussion/61-4391-How_to_get_started_.html
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