Lawn Maintenance Neglected By Tenant

Wayne Hillier

Wayne Hillier
REIN Member
May 5, 2014
Hi guys,

There's unfortunately nothing in my lease specific to any charges for not maintaining the lawn but it is getting to the point where it's going to need some serious treatment. I could definitely wait until the end of the lease and charge them out of their damage deposit for repair, but I'm curious if I could do it now and then remove it from the damage deposit at the end? Their lease ends in December and it will be very difficult getting an invoice for work done the following spring.

With that being said for example, if they were to damage something in the house (let's say plumbing) and it was their fault and they didn't pay for it at that point, would you be able to take it from their damage deposit at that time?

Appreciate your help,

Wayne Hillier
Edmonton, AB

Matt Crowley

REIN Member
Dec 14, 2013
Hi Wayne,
Check the lease for items around household maintenance, then use that as a reason they are responsible for the lawn. Goal is to get them back 100% of their DD and having a property in good shape is what is required. Perhaps mowing the lawn and manicuring it is not absolutely required but if your grass turns to weeds then that is clearly damages which they will be on the hook for, so it is preventative maintenance with the goal to get them back their DD. (Make sure you provide them with a good mower).

If they won't cooperate, then mow yourself (hire someone) and take it off their DD after move out. Likely they won't contest it. Don't leave it and piss off your neighbours... often tenants come from the same neighbourhood and if they flag your property as a slum they will ignore it when it comes up for rent.


Frequent Forum Member
Jan 22, 2017
You would want to give them written notice as to giving them a chance to correct the situation.
My advise would be to not leave any lawn maintenance up to tenants. Last thing I would want is to have my props become an eyesore in the neighbourhood. Even if you were to put in lease tenant being responsible for upkeep, your tenants might have different ideas on what regular upkeep looks like. One will do weekly, other thinks monthly is sufficient.
There are plenty of lawn maintenance company's and you will be surprised as it is quite affordable.
You can go weekly or biweekly or a combination I.e. Weekly from middle of April till end of June and July to sept biweekly.
However my pet addendum does have a specific clause regarding petfeces, spots in lawn from pet pee and so forth. They will be on the hook if that happens. Only had one situation in past when a tenant seemed to be to lazy to clean up, enforced the written agreement and it did the trick. When they moved out, credit to them they seeded and watered the heck out of the lawn and it looked better then ever before.

Wayne Hillier

Wayne Hillier
REIN Member
May 5, 2014
I'm in a bit of a Cold War with these tenants. They don't realize I can see everything they post on Facebook. Their plan is to stop paying rent so I evict them.

This all started after a scheduled inspection 3 weeks ago to find the lawn brown, covered in weeds, and the inside of the house covered in garbage and old food.

We've sent the first notice, they'll be getting the second soon. I just don't want the lawn to get to a point where it's going to need serious treatment.

Wayne Hillier

Wayne Hillier
REIN Member
May 5, 2014
This ones definitely going to RTDRS, because damages are going to be above and beyond DD, as well as rent arrears. So I wanted to be sure I could get the lawn maintenance done now, or do I need to wait until termination of the lease?


Frequent Forum Member
Jan 22, 2017
OK so there is more to it then just the lawn. You have send notices, Seems like you are on your way to doing the right thing. Do an inspection weekly if possible. All you need to do is 24 hr notice. If they don't want to, you have the key to the house and go in. Be a pain, document everything, take pics etc.
Do everything you can to get them out first and deal with the cost after.


Frequent Forum Member
Staff member
REIN Member
Oct 6, 2016
Don't leave it and piss off your neighbours...
I would take care of the lawn maintenance and get your property looking great - at least from the outside - while you work with the RTDRS. Take pictures and have it documented which I'm sure you're already doing. These learnings are really helpful and valuable if you can keep us updated on this forum.

Wayne Hillier

Wayne Hillier
REIN Member
May 5, 2014
I would take care of the lawn maintenance and get your property looking great - at least from the outside - while you work with the RTDRS. Take pictures and have it documented which I'm sure you're already doing. These learnings are really helpful and valuable if you can keep us updated on this forum.

For sure. I really just want to go and take care of it myself, but I'm really trying to spend more time with my daughter. That and I don't want to pay a company hundreds if I'm not going to get it back. Cross my fingers with all things considered the RTDRS sides with me on it.


Frequent Forum Member
Staff member
REIN Member
Oct 6, 2016
I'm really trying to spend more time with my daughter. That and I don't want to pay a company hundreds
Absolutely! Your daughter comes first. I assume your property is also in Edmonton so try calling Rod at Five Star Lawn Services to see if he can help you out. He does lawn maintenance for some of our properties and he does a great job at what I feel are reasonable rates (i.e. not hundreds of dollars). He can be reached at 780.490.8738 and you can let him know I referred you. All the best with your RTDRS hearing.


Inspired Forum Member
Jan 22, 2016
I don't understand this landlord's complaint. None of my tenants take care of the lawn. You pay $30 for grass cutting that's it.
I am sure I am missing his point/what the problem really is.


Frequent Forum Member
Jan 22, 2017
Doesn't matter.......makes for good conversation and gives us something to do at 30+ degrees sitting on our back deck sipping ice cold white wine with a shot of liquor in it watching the sun disappear.......
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