An Outlook is Such a Bad Thing To Waste


Investor, Analyst, Author, Philanthropist
Staff member
REIN Member
Life is all about the wins, the losses - the highs, the lows - the laughs and cries.
But unfortunately the way that we have been wired (by social media and in some cases regular media) we forget that there are small and large wins that occur everyday.

As you know, my philosophy has always been of pragmatism and finding the wins. Looking at a situation, acknowledging the emotions and THEN acting rather than get caught up in the emotion.

Here is a very clear video 9not by me) that completely gives my philosophy a context. I hope you gains an insight or two that will help you along this journey we are all on:

Celebrate What's Right With the World -


Investor, Analyst, Author, Philanthropist
Staff member
REIN Member
It is Thanksgiving weekend - the perfect time to watch the video I posted above.
